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Delayed time-varying H-infinity control design

Authors:Barabanov Andrey, Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Ghulchak Andrey, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Optimal Control Theory and Design Methods
Keywords: Maximum principle, H-infinity control, Delay analysis, Numerical methods


The linear H-infinity control problem is stated for time-varying plant with arbitrary delays and discontinuous coefficients. The image representation of the plant is explicitly written and full solution to the suboptimal control problem is presented. Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of a solution are derived from the abstract principle of maximum. No Riccati equations are used. The existence of smooth kernels of optimal integral operators is proved and their properties are studied. A numerical method is presented for computation of the optimal kernels for the special case. The case is a model of a car autopilot on a concave road.