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A Decision Support System based on a Closed Loop PFC Applied for Type I Diabetes

Authors:Díaz R. G., Univ. Univ. Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Aguerre S., Univ. Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Roldan G., Univ. Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Basualdo Marta, Univ. Tecnologica Nacional and Univ. Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Control Applications to Life Medicine I
Keywords: Insulin-glucose model PFC strategy decision support diabetes care


A predictive functional controller (PFC) for closed-loop control of glucose using subcutaneous (SC) tissue and intravenous (IV) glycemia measurement and SC and IV infusion of monomeric insulin analogs was developed and evaluated in a simulation study. This analysis is implemented on a generalized rigorous model which can simulate the interaction between glucose-insulin for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) or normal subjects. According to the simulation results, stable control is achievable for unknown or variable time delays as well as for slow time variations of the controlled system. Therefore model together with PFC could be an useful tool for developing an extra corporeal artificial pancreas prototype and/or as a decision support technique for defining the proper insulin dosage for each patient and for education purposes. Several simulation results are presented for the sake of compar