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Guidance-Based Path Following for Wheeled Mobile Robots

Authors:Breivik Morten, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Fossen Thor Inge, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Topic:7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Session:Mobile Robots III
Keywords: Guidance-based path following, Nonlinear model-based control, Wheeled mobile robots, Underactuated systems, Cascaded systems


This paper addresses the problem of path following for wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) by utilizing a novel guidance-based approach. The guidance laws are developed at an ideal, dynamics-independent level, entailing generically valid laws not influenced by particular peculiarities relating to any given dynamics case. Hence, the resulting guidance-based framework is equally applicable to any planar dynamic system. A nonlinear model-based controller is then designed for an underactuated WMR to enable it to comply with the guidance commands, yielding a UGAS/ULES closed loop system. Simulation results demonstrating the capability of the proposed guidance and control scheme are successfully carried out for a unicycle-type WMR.