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Non-Fragile Adaptive Control of a Class of Time-Delay Systems

Authors:Ismail Abdulla, UAEU, United Arab Emirates
Mahmoud Magdi S., CIC, Egypt
Topic:1.2 Adaptive and Learning Systems
Session:Adaptive and Learning Approaches to Controller Design
Keywords: Adaptive Control, Time-delay Systems, Controller fragility


This paper focuses on the controller fragility and performance deterioration issues due to inaccuracies in controller implementation. It addresses the problem of non-fragile adaptive control problem for a class of continuous-time systems with state delays and norm-bounded uncertainties against controller gain variations. Adaptive control schemes are constructed for the case of known gain perturbation bounds and then extended to accomodate unkonwn norm-bounded perturbations. All the developed results are conveniently in LMI format. A detailed simulation results is presented to demonstrate the developed theory