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Exact Wavefront Correction in Adaptive Optics

Authors:Rosier Lionel, Universite Nancy 1, France
Le Gall Pierre, Universite Nancy 1, France
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:New Tools for Control of Smart Structures
Keywords: Adaptive optics, exact wavefront correction, membrane mirror


In this work we consider an adaptive optical system in which a deformable mirror is controlled to compensate for random wavefront disturbances. For most systems of this type, the shape of the mirror is taken as a linear function of the wavefront error, leading to satisfactory results in linear regimes. Here, the geometric shape of the mirror leading to a perfect correction of the wavefront is derived. Next, a control is designed to reach that geometric shape when the deformable mirror is a membrane mirror with electrostatic actuators. Numerical simulations illutrating the improvements supplied by the geometric approach are also reported here.