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A Convex Method for the Parametric Insensitive H2 Control Problem

Authors:Yagoubi Mohamed, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (IRCCyN), France
Chevrel Philippe, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (IRCCyN), France
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Robust Controller Synthesis with LMI's
Keywords: Parametric sensitivity, H2 Control, Youla parameterization, structured control, LMI, BMI


Contrary to the standard H2 problem, the so-called insensitive H2 problem makes use of a criterion that takes explicitly into account the parametric sensitivity of the closed loop system. This problem has already been re-formulated as a structured H2 problem that is known to be equivalent to a specific BMI optimization problem when assuming with full order controller. This paper presents a new formulation leading to a convex optimization problem. This is obtained thanks to the Youla parameterization and using the specific structure of the problem. The use of a finite dimensioned orthonormal basis for the structured Youla parameter leads to an LMI-based algorithm solving the insensitive H2 problem. Its interest is shown by comparison with existing algorithms.