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Approximate min-max MPC for linear hybrid systems

Authors:Ayala Botto Miguel, Instituto Superior Técnico - IDMEC, Portugal
Silva Miguel, Instituto Superior Técnico - IDMEC, Portugal
Sá da Costa José, Instituto Superior Técnico - IDMEC, Portugal
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Hybrid and Switched Control
Keywords: hybrid systems, model predictive control control, min-max optimization, robust control, mixed logical dynamical systems


This paper presents a Receding Horizon Control (RHC) strategy to robustly control linear hybrid systems subject to bounded additive disturbances. First, the open-loop finite horizon min-max optimal control problem associated with the RHC strategy is presented, defining a mixed-integer optimization problem. The goal of the min-max formulation is to minimize the worst-case cost of the performance index, while guaranteeing performance/safety constraints for all possible disturbance realizations. Then it will be proved that feasibility at the initial time as well as convexity arguments and set-invariance assumptions are sufficient conditions to guarantee robust stability and performance of the closed-loop system. Simulation results for a perturbed hybrid system will demonstrate the potential of the proposedrobust optimal control design.