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On the detection of unknown input in positional control problems with noisy measurements

Authors:Bokor Jozsef, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Systems and Control Laboratory, Hungary
Shinar Josef, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Kulcsar Balazs, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Systems and Control Laboratory, Hungary
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Robot and Position Control
Keywords: positional control, detection filter, invariant subspaces


The paper examines the conditions for isolating the unknown inputdetection from the effects of the measurements noise in theimportant family of positional control problems. The study ismotivated by the need of improving the homing performance ofinterceptor missiles against randomly maneuvering targets. Therequired isolation is possible if, in addition to noisy relativeposition measurements, noise-free measurement of the line ofslight rate or the relative lateral velocity is available.Although with noisy measurement of line of slight rate theisolation of the input is not possible, the detection filterdesigned for the noise-free case succeeds to provide asatisfactory estimate of target acceleration, which is needed foran improved homingperformance.