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Mind Model and Social Intelligence in Human-machine Collaborative Systems

Authors:Nakajima Hiroshi, OMRON Corporation, Japan
Morishima Yasunori, International Christian University, Japan
Yamada Ryota, OMRON Advanced Systems, Inc., United States
Brave Scott, Stanford University, United States
Nass Clliford, Stanford University, United States
Arao Masaki, OMRON Corporation, Japan
Kawaji Shigeyasu, Kumamoto University, Japan
Topic:4.5 Human Machine Systems
Session:Emotions and Human Behaviour
Keywords: agents, artificial intelligence, interaction, human-machine interface, human-centered design


Even though social intelligence has not been clearly defined yet, consideration of this new type of intelligence should be important for realizing a new generation of human-machine collaborative systems based on human-centered system design policy. In this article, social intelligence and mind model for implementing socially intelligent agents are studied. At first, emotional and affective aspect of social intelligence is mainly discussed because the aspect is considered as more important in contrast with goal-oriented intelligence. Then, implementation of the mind model and its application as an experiment system is discussed with considering the experiment results.