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Swing-up and Stabilization of Flexible Underactuated

Author:Yabuno Hiroshi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Control of Underactuated Systems
Keywords: robotics, manipulator, high frequency, nonlinear control,pitchfork bifurcation, parametric resonance, perturbed bifurcation


A control method without state feedback of the free link is proposedfor swing-up and stabilization at the upright position of a flexible free linkin a two-link underactuated flexible manipulator(the active first and free second links are rigid and flexible,respectively).The proposed method is based on the actuation of bifurcationsproduced in the second link under high-frequency excitation of the first link. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed method of control for the flexible underactuated manipulator.