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Output Feedback Compensators for Weakened Anti-windup of Additively Perturbed Systems

Authors:Galeani Sergio, Universita' di Roma, Italy
Teel Andrew R., University of California at Santa Barbara, United States
Zaccarian Luca, Universita' di Roma, Italy
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Keywords: Anti-windup, control system design, control nonlinearities, saturation, feedback control, stability robustness, nominal performance.


It was recently shown that certain instances of the natural anti-windup problem necessarily lead to control systems lacking "robust in the large" stability, and that in such instances it is meaningful to solve a weakened anti-windup problem (trading performance for robust stability). While previously proposed solutions of the weakened problem essentially require state feedback, this paper provides output feedback solutions for the case of additively perturbed systems.