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PID Controller Approximating GMVC with Pole-Placement Using Steady-State Predictive Output

Authors:Sato Takao, University of Hyogo, Japan
Inoue Akira, Okayama University, Japan
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Advances in Process Control
Keywords: PID control, generalized minimum variance control, steady state predictive output, pole-placement


This paper proposes a new design method of a PID controller. We design a PID controller based on generalized minimum variance control (GMVC) with a steady state predictive output (GMVCS). The proposed method has better approximation than conventional design schemes since the orders of compensators of the GMVCS law do not increase even if a dead-time increases. Furthermore, in this paper it is shown that the GMVCS has an advantage that it is possible to place poles of the closed-loop system at desired places. The PID controller is designed based on the pole-placement GMVCS. Finally, we illustrate numerical simulation results in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.