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Limit Cycles in Feedback Control Systems with Hysteresis

Authors:Natale Ciro, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
Cavallo Alberto, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
De Maria Giuseppe, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Nonlinear Control Systems I
Keywords: Hysteresis, Limit cycles, Feedback control, Preisach operators


The paper presents a theoretical and numerical study of the existenceproblem of self-sustained periodic solutions in feedback control systems includinga hysteresis nonlinearity with non-local memory. The presence of this type ofnonlinearity in the feedback control system can cause undesired efects, e.g. limitcycles, instability, and thus must be taken into account in the design phase of thecontrol system. In the present work the problem is addressed by resorting to functionalanalysis tools and to the Preisach operator theory.