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Stability Analysis of Switched Time-Delay Systems

Authors:Yan Peng, The Ohio State University, United States
Ozbay Hitay, Bilkent University, Turkey
Topic:2.2 Linear Control Systems
Session:Time-Delay Systems I
Keywords: Asymptotic Stability, Switched Systems, Time-Delay, Dwell Time


This paper addresses the asymptotic stability of switched timedelay systems. Piecewise Lyapunov-Razumikhin functions areintroduced for the switching candidate systems to investigate thestability in the presence of infinite number of switchings. Weprovide sufficient conditions in terms of the minimum dwell timeto guarantee asymptotic stability under the assumptions that eachswitching candidate is delay-independently or delay-dependentlystable. Conservatism analysis is also provided by comparing withthe dwell time conditions for switched delay free systems.