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On The Role of Pre-Filtering in Nonlinear System Identification

Authors:Spinelli William, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Piroddi Luigi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Lovera Marco, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Nonlinear System Identification - Volterra Methods
Keywords: System identification, Nonlinear systems, Frequency domain, Volterra series, Filtering techniques, Data processing


Data pre-filtering is often used in linear identification to increase modelaccuracy in a specified frequency band, as pre-filtering is equivalent to afrequency weighting on the prediction error function. However, thisinterpretation applies only to a strictly linear setting of the identificationproblem. In this paper, the role of data and error pre-filtering in nonlinearsystem identification is analyzed and a frequency domain interpretation isprovided, based on the use of Volterra series representations for the truesystem and the considered model structure. Simulation results illustrate theconclusions of the analysis.