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Robust Rejection of Periodic and Almost Periodic Disturbances

Authors:Kulkarni Vishwesh, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States
Pao Lucy, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States
Zhong Hua, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Mechatronics for Data Storage Devices I
Keywords: disturbance rejection, periodic disturbances, tape drive systems, nonlinear control systems, gain scheduling, linear matrix inequality


We present algorithms to exponentially reject periodic and almost periodic disturbances, the motivating application being a rejection of reel eccentricity induced disturbances in tape-drive systems. The prevalent periodic disturbance rejection algorithms rely on a constant gain approximation of the system at a particular frequency. These are inadequate for this application because a tape-drive system has parametric uncertainties and because the disturbance is time-varying. We present a robust extension of an existing technique derived by Bodson et al. and further use quadratic and parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions to synthesize gain-scheduled feedback compensators.