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Applying Efficient Computation of the Mass Matrix for Decoupling Control of Complex Parallel Manipulators

Authors:Abdellatif Houssem, Hannover Center of Mechatronics, University of Hannover, Germany
Heimann Bodo, Hannover Center of Mechatronics, University of Hannover, Germany
Holz Christian, Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, University of Hannover, Germany
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Manipulators Control
Keywords: Robotic Manipulators, Parallel Manipulators, Nonlinear Dynamics, Decoupling Control, Mass Matrix


Most challenging aspects in the control of complex parallel mechanisms or robotic manipulators is how to deal with the high system nonlinearity and with the coupled dynamics. These aspects can be satisfied by integrating the pose dependent inertia or mass matrix into the control scheme. To satisfy the requirements of real-time application, this paper presents a high efficient method to compute the mass matrix of arbitrarily complex parallel manipulators. Model simplification become dispensable, which leads necessarily to the improvement of control accuracy.