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Dynamic Gait Pattern Generation with Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Erden Mustafa Suphi, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Leblebicioglu Kemal, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Control II
Keywords: Six-legged robot, walking, gait pattern, reinforcement learning, radial basis function neural network.


This paper presents the gait pattern generation work performed for the six-legged robot EA308 developed in our laboratory. The aim is to achieve a dynamically developing gait pattern generation structure using reinforcement learning. For the six legged robot a simplified simulative model is constructed. The algorithm constructs a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) to command proper leg configurations to the simulative robot. The weights of the RBFNN are learned using reinforcement learning. The developed structure succeeded in learning gait patterns compatible with different speeds of the robot.