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A Singularly Perturbed Model for Robust Control of Linear Single-Link Flexible Manipulator

Authors:Karimi Hamidreza, University of Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Yazdanpanah Mohammad Javad, University of Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Flexible Robots
Keywords: Flexible link Manipulator; disturbance attenuation; singularly perturbed model.


This paper deals with the modelling of a single-link flexible manipulator utilizing the singular perturbation method. Authors’ attention is focused on the robust regulation of the tip-position based on a new modelling approach under the assumption of norm-boundedness of the fast dynamics (deflection modes). In this approach, the deflection modes may be treated as norm-bounded disturbance. Hence, the controller synthesis is performed only for the certain dynamics of the system.