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Robust State Observer Design Based on Regional Pole Assignment

Authors:Liu Man, Dalian nationalities Univercity, China
Jing Yuan-wei, Northeastern Univercity, China
Zhang Si-ying, Northeastern Univercity, China
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Observer and Filter Design
Keywords: Linear system, Regional pole assignment, State observer, Uncertainty, Robustness


The design of state observer for a linear discrete or continuoustime uncertain system based on circularly regional pole assignmentis studied. Taking use of algebraic Riccati equations and linearmatrix inequalities, necessary and sufficient conditions for theexistence of the state observer based on circularly regional poleassignment is proposed and the formulation of the gain matrix ofthe state observer is given. The state observer given by us hasgood robustness, which is illustrated by examples.