15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control Barcelona, 2126 July 2002 |
Note: T-Mo-A11The first letter stands for Technical(T) or Plenary(P), the next two letters stand for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. and the fourth letter stands for the period of the session i.e., Morning, Afternoon or Evening.
Session Slot | Technical Area | Authors | | |
T-Mo-M00 | 1. Manufacturing and Instrumentation | A. Ollero, G. Morel, P. Bernus, S.Y. Nof, J. Sasiadek, S. Boverie, H. Erbe, R. Goodall |  |  |
T-Mo-A00 | 2. Design Methods | Alberto Isidori, Ruth Bars, Jean-Michel Dion, Sebastian Engell, Torkel Glad |  |  |
T-Tu-A00 | 4. Life Support Systems | Y. Hashimoto, I. Farkas, H. Murase, E.R. Carson, A. Sano |  |  |
T-We-A00 | 6. Global and Educational Issues of Automation | Lena Mårtensson, Janko Černetič |  |  |
T-Th-M00 | 7. Industrial Applications | Thomas Mc Avoy Sirkka Liisa Jamsa Jounela Ron Patton Michel Perrier Christos Georgakis |  |  |
T-Fr-M00 | 9. Computer Control | Henk B. Verbruggen, Jaehyun Park, Wolfgang Halang, George Irwin, Janusz Zalewski |  |  |