D. Koulocheris, H. Vrazopoulos and V. Dertimanis
National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Dynamics & Constructions, e-mail: havra@central.ntua.gr
Abstract: The scope of this paper is to present an optimization methodology for tuning fuzzy logic controllers used in suspension system for ground vehicles. The proposed optimization method combines the advantages of two categories of optimization algorithms, deterministic and stochastic. Numerical experiments show the improvement in efficiency and reliability of the search for the optimum. The fuzzy logic membership functions are optimized such that the maximum value of vertical and rotational acceleration of vehicle body at the passengers seats are minimized from the view point of ride comfort under the geometrical constraints of the car. The simulation results of the proposed fuzzy logic controller show significant improvement regarding the vehicle ride comfort.
Keywords: fuzzy logic controller, optimization, hybrid algorithm, semi-active suspension systems
Session slot T-Th-E14: Control Applications of Optimisation/Area code 2d : Optimal Control
