15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Decio C. Donha* Reza M. Katebi**
* Mechanical Engineering Department of University of São Paulo
e-mail: decdonha@usp.br
** ICC-Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
e-mail: r.katebi@eee.strath.ac.uk

This paper is concerned with the development of a procedure to automatically calculate the parameters of weighting functions used in the design of a H controller for a Dynamic Positioning System, seeking to achieve a desired system performance. The H synthesis problem is formulated as a multi-criterion optimization problem. A Genetic Algorithm is then employed to search for suitable solutions. To cope with the imprecision and vagueness that arises in the description of objective functions, and constraints of the process and actuators, concepts from the fuzzy logic are incorporated into the solution. A multi-objective fuzzy optimization is stated and a fuzzy convex decision-making is established.
Keywords: Dynamic positioning, Genetic algorithm, Weight selection, H control, Robust control, Multi-objective optimization, Optimal control
Session slot T-Mo-A12: Ship Control II/Area code 8c : Marine Systems