15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Hyunsam Myung, Hyochoong Bang*, Choongsuk Oh, Min-Jea Tahk
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Predictive control technique is applied to the three-axis attitude control of spacecraft. The principal idea of predictive control is to construct a priori reference trajectory and build control command so that the actual system follows the reference trajectory. In the case of this study, the controlled variables are the quaternion attitude parameters and angular rates of spacecraft body axes. The key objective of this paper is to design a predictive controller for the three-axis attitude control under external disturbances. Designing a predictive control law including disturbances and estimation of the disturbance are discussed. Conventional predictive controller design approach has been partially modified in conjunction with disturbance identification strategy. The results of this paper Attitude control simulation results are presented to prove this research.
Keywords: Spacecraft autonomy, predictive control, attitude control, quaternion feedback, disturbance rejection
Session slot T-Tu-A06: Space Craft and Missile Control/Area code 8a : Aerospace