15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Elpiniki Papageorgiou, Chrysostomos D. Stylios and Peter P. Groumpos
Laboratory for Automation and Robotics
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Patras, Rion 26500, GREECE
Tel. +30 61 997293, Fax. +30 61 997309 groumpos@ee.upatras.gr

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) is a soft computing, modeling methodology for complex systems, which is originated from the combination of fuzzy logic and neural networks. Many different learning algorithms have been suggested for the training of neural networks. Only some initial thoughts on learning rules have described for FCMs. A learning law is a mathematical algorithm, which can train the FCM by selecting the appropriate weights and it is very important for a system to have learning and adaptive capabilities. In this paper a new learning algorithm, the Activation Hebbian Learning (AHL) has been proposed for FCMs. The learning rule for a FCM is a procedure where FCM weight matrix is modified in order the FCM to model the behavior of a system. Simulation results proving the strength of the learning rule are provided.
Keywords: Hebbian learning, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Modeling, Unsupervised learning
Session slot T-Th-A04: Neuro fuzzy systems and control/Area code 3e : Fuzzy and Neural Systems