15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Alexander L. Fradkov* Robin J. Evans**
* Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering,
61, Bolshoy, V.O., 199178, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
FAX:+7(812)321-4771, E-mail: alf@ipme.ru
** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
University of Melbourne, 3052, Parkville, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
FAX:+61-3-834-46678, E-mail: r.evans@ee.mu.oz.au

A brief survey of the emerging field termed “Control of Chaos” is given based on about 200 publications in peer reviewed journals. Three major branches of research are discussed in detail: “nonfeedback control” (based on periodic excitation of the system); “OGY method” (based on linearization of Poincare map) and “Pyragas method” (based on a time-delay feedback). Some unsolved problems concerning the justification of chaos control methods are presented.
Keywords: Nonlinear control, Chaotic behavior
Session slot T-Th-A08: Chaos and synchronization/Area code 2c : Non-linear Systems