Dimitri Peaucelle - Denis Arzelier - Regis Bertrand
LAAS - CNRS 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche - 31077 Toulouse cedex - France Tel. 05 61 33 64 17 fax: 05 61 33 69 69 email: peaucelle@laas.fr - arzelier@laas.fr - rbertran@laas.fr
The static output feedback synthesis for LTI systems is considered. It is shown to have analogies with robust analysis, in particular the existence of an output feedback gain is equivalent to the existence of some quadratic separator. These considerations lead to formulate the problem as the synthesis of an ellipsoidal set of stabilising controllers. Based on this formulation important issues are developed for fragility, restricted controllers and also root-clustering.
Keywords: Output Feedback, Linear Systems, Matrix Inequalities, Fragility, Root-Clustering, Quadratic Separation
Session slot T-Mo-M18: Stability and stabilization (Linear Systems)/Area code 2b : Linear Systems
