Silva, V.V.R.* and Fleming, P.J.**
* Fundação de Ensino Superior de São João del Rei – FUNREI Praça Frei Orlando – 170 - São João del Rei Minas Gerais - 36307-352 - BRAZIL
** Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering University of Sheffield, Mappin Street - Sheffield - S1 3JD, UK
The control configuration design involves the choice of measurements and, or manipulations to be used in a feedback control loop. The selected variables should have an effect on the controlled outputs. The control law will result in unnecessary complex systems if the control configuration is not adequately considered. The approach studied here is employed to design a control configuration for the PI multivariable controller for the gas turbine engine, using multiobjective genetic algorithm as an approach for optimization and preference articulation.
Keywords: gas turbines, genetic algorithms, multiobjective optimization, nonlinear system, PI controllers
Session slot T-Fr-A05: Applications of CACSD/Area code 5c : Computer Aided Control Systems Design
