15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
István Vajk, Jenő Hetthéssy
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
H-1521 Budapest, Hungary
fax: (361) 463-2871 and e-mail: vajk@aut.bme.hu

The paper is about a generalization of a classical eigenvalue- decomposition method originally developed for errors-in-variables linear system identification to handle an important class of nonlinear problems. A number of examples are presented to call the attention to the most critical part of the procedure turning the identification problem to a generalized eigenvalue-eigenvector calculation problem with symmetrical matrices. The elaborated method generates consistent parameter estimation. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Keywords: errors-in-variables model, nonlinear system identification, eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition
Session slot T-We-A01: Identification of Error-in-Variable Models/Area code 3a : Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing