Heinz-H. Erbe
Technische Universität Berlin Franklinstrasse 28/29 D-10587 Berlin, Germany

To be competitive SMEs with small batch production or tool- and mould making are forced to use numerical controlled manufacturing processes and computer-based shop-floor control. But the technological support for these enterprises should be shop-floor oriented to foster and develop human skills in flat hierarchies avoiding unnecessary dividing of work. With shop floor oriented production support human skill and automation create synergetic effects. The mastery of the manufacturing process is in the hands and brains of skilled workers. Automation gives the necessary support to execute tasks and rationalize decisions. This represents a way of low cost automation. To run the manufacturing process effectively is not only a question of technology though an important one. Together with an adequate work-organization wherein human skills can be empowering themselves it establishes the frame for a competitive manufacturing. The contribution deals with shop floor oriented technologies for manufacturing.
Keywords: machine tool controls, shop-floor oriented technologies, maintenance support
Session slot T-We-M06: Low Cost Oriented Industrial Automation/Area code 1f : Low Cost Automation
