15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
B. T. Polyak* Mario Sznaier** P. S. Shcherbakov*
M. Halpern***
* Institute for Control Science, RAS, Moscow, Russia
** Department of Electrical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
*** Bandspeed Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 3000

This paper shows how the newly introduced concept of superstable systems can be used to efficiently solve some traditionally hard design problems in control theory, such as stabilization with fixed–order controllers, rejection of bounded disturbances and robust controller design. Moreover, this approach also allows for formulating and treating some new problems such as the “linear-linear regulator” design. As shown in the paper, in the superstability context, these problems become convex, which allows for straightforward numerical solutions, e.g., using linear programming.
Keywords: superstability, robust control, optimal control, convex optimization
Session slot T-Tu-M16: New Approaches to Controller Design/Area code 2a : Control Design