15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Franco Garofalo*, Luigi Glielmo**, Luigi Iannelli* and Francesco Vasca**
* Università di Napoli Federico II - Dipartimento di Informatica e
Sistemistica - via Claudio, 21 - 80125 Napoli, Italy - e-mail:
franco.garofalo, luiannel@unina.it
** Università del Sannio - Facoltà di Ingegneria - C.so Garibaldi, 107 -
82100 Benevento, Italy - e-mail: glielmo, vasca@unisannio.it

Based on a state space dynamic model of a typical automotive driveline, a new control technique for the dry clutch engagement process is proposed. The feedback controller is designed following an optimal control approach by using the crankshaft speed and the clutch disk speed as state variables: a tracking problem is formulated and solved by using the engine torque and the clutch torque as control variables. The controller guarantees fast engagement, minimum slipping losses and comfortable lock-up. The critical standing start operating conditions are considered. Numerical results show the good performance obtained with the proposed controller.
Keywords: Automotive Control, Transmission Systems, Optimal Control, Tracking Systems
Session slot T-We-M05: Control of Automotive Powertrains/Area code 8b : Automotive Control