15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Hiroaki Mukaidani* Hua Xu** Koich Mizukami***
* Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University,
3–4–1, Ozukahigashi Asaminami–ku Hiroshima, 731–3194 Japan.
** Graduate School of Business Sciences, The University of
Tsukuba, 3–29–1, Otsuka Bunkyou–ku Tokyo, 112–0012 Japan.
*** Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin
University, 6–20–1, Nakano Aki-ku Hiroshima, 739–0321 Japan.

In this paper, the linear quadratic optimal control problem for multiparameter singularly perturbed systems (MSPS) is studied in a different approach from the existing methods. The attention is focused on the design of a near-optimal controller which does not depend on the values of the small unknown parameters. It is shown that the resulting controller achieves the near-optimal cost for the special case of the fast subsystems compared with the existing results. Moreover, it is also shown that the resulting controller is equivalent to the existing composite controller.
Keywords: Multiparameter singularly perturbed systems (MSPS), Multiparameter algebraic Riccati equation (MARE), Linear quadratic optimal control problem, Nnear–optimal control
Session slot T-Tu-A17: Optimal Control: Theory and Design I/Area code 2d : Optimal Control