15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Enso Ikonen* Kaddour Najim** Urpo Kortela*
* University of Oulu, Finland
** E.N.S.I.A.C.E.T., Toulouse, France

A distributed Wiener logic processor model structure is considered. Each fuzzy Wiener model consists of a succession of a linear dynamic part and a (static) steady-state non-linear logical part. The model structure and the necessary gradients required by gradient-based parameter estimation methods are given. Parameter projection and a modified threshold method are discussed. A simulation example illustrates the approach in the identification of a nonlinear, non-minimum phase CSTR process where a van der Vusse reaction takes place.
Keywords: fuzzy systems, man/machine interaction, nonlinear models, para neter estimation, process identification
Session slot T-Fr-M04: Genetic algorithms and Rule generation/Area code 3e : Fuzzy and Neural Systems