15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Hybrid, Switching and Discrete Systems

Session Slot: T-Mo-M07
Area Code: 2c

Paper TitleAuthors
STABILIZING HYBRID CONTROL LAWSPatrick De Leenheer, Henk Nijmeijer, Bram de Jager
Partial Stability of Systems with Applications to Discrete Event SystemsA. N. Michel, A. P. Molchanov, Y. Sun
Stabilization with Well-Posedness of a Class of Switch-Driven Piecewise Affine SystemsJun-ichi Imura, Toshikazu Shimizu, Masami Saeki
Controlling Races in Asynchronous Sequential MachinesThomas E. Murphy, Xiaojun Geng, and Jacob Hammer
Switching Feedback Control of Non-Holonomic Systems with Multi-GeneratorsMasato ISHIKAWA
A Nonlinear Switching Control Method for Magnetic Bearing Systems — Minimizing the Power ConsumptionKang-Zhi Liu, Akihiro Ikai, Akihiro Ogata, Osami Saito