Applications of Telematic Systems
Session Slot: T-Fr-M13
Area Code: 8g
Paper Title | Authors | | |
Telematic and Shared Control of Military Land Vehicles | Bruce L. Digney |  |  |
Tele-Maintenance of Industrial Transport Robots | Klaus Schilling |  |  |
Performance of Japanese Robotic Arms of the International Space Station | Y. Wakabayashi, H. Morimoto, N. Satoh, M. Hayashi, Y. Aiko, M. Suzuki |  |  |
The Merging to e-Learning in Mobile Robotics | A. Khamis, F. Rodríguez, M. Salichs |  |  |
Canadian Virtual Laboratory for Tele-Education in Aerospace and Mechatronics | Chris Maurer, Inna Sharf, Maxim Weber, Gabriele DEleuterio, Jean de Lafontaine |  |  |
Real-Time Interaction Over the Internet | Christophe Salzmann and Denis Gillet |  |  |