15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Nonlinear Observers
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
Nonlinear Observers Applied to the Control of an Overhead Crane
E. Aranda-Bricaire C.P. González-Inda F. Plestan M. Velasco-Villa
Observer Design for a Three-Tank System
M. Hou, Y.S. Xiong and R.J. Patton
Order Extension of Nonlinear Systems for Observer Design Under Reduced Observability Properties
Alejandro Vargas, Jaime Moreno and Michael Zeitz
Observer Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems - Application to an Induction Motor
L. Rossignol M. Farza M. MSaad J.F. Massieu R. Alvarez Salas
Passivity and Unknown Input Observers for Nonlinear Systems
Edmundo Rocha-Cózatl and Jaime Moreno
Global Observability Analysis of Induction Motors under Sensorless Conditions
Jaime Moreno Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez Sebastián Ibarra-Rojas