Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Session Slot: T-Fr-M12
Area Code: 8b
Paper Title | Authors | | |
Estimation of the Partial Wrench of the Wheel Road Interface | A. Pfefferkorn, M. Basset, G.L. Gissinger, P. Romieu |  |  |
How to Make Steer-by-Wire Feel Like Power Steering | Dirk Odenthal Tilman Bünte Heinz-Dieter Heitzer Christoph Eicker |  |  |
Estimation of Vehicle Velocity Using Brake-by-Wire Actuators | S. Semmler, D. Fischer, R. Isermann, R. Schwarz, P. Rieth |  |  |
Estimation of Automotive Tire Force Characteristics Using Wheel Velocity | Eiichi Ono, Katsuhiro Asano, Masaru Sugai, Shoji Ito, Akira Tanaka, Mamoru Sawada and Yoshiyuki Yasui |  |  |
Development of a Full Active Suspension System | M. Lakehal-Ayat, S. Diop E. Fenaux |  |  |
Dynamic Modelling and Identification of a Car | Gentiane Venture Wisama Khalil Maxime Gautier Philippe Bodson |  |  |