High-Performance Computing for Real-Time Signal Processing and Control
Session Slot: T-Fr-A17
Area Code: 9d
Paper Title | Authors | | |
Fast Calculation of the Bessel Time-Frequency Distribution | Moura M.M.M. Leiria Ana Ruano M. Graça |  |  |
Parallel Slicot Model Reduction Routines: The Cholesky Factor of Grammians | David Guerrero, Vicente Hernández, José E. Román |  |  |
A Theoretical Model of a Virtual Processor for Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Heterogeneous System | J.M. Martínez-Villaseñor and M.O. Tokhi |  |  |
Inter-Processor and Inter-Process Communication in Real-Time Multi-Process Computing | M A Hossain and M. O. Tokhi |  |  |
High Performance Computing of time Frequency Distributions for Doppler Ultrasound Signal Analysis | F. García-Nocetti F., J. Solano Gonzalez, E. Rubio Acosta, E. Moreno Hernández |  |  |
Ultrasonic Signal Processing Using Configurable Systems | Á. Hernández, J. Ureña, J.J. García, V. Díaz, M. Mazo, D. Hernanz, J.P. Dérutin, J. Serot |  |  |