15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Moura M.M.M.* Leiria Ana** Ruano M. Graça**
* Universidade do Algarve, FCT - ADEEC, Campus de
Gambelas, 8000 FARO, Portugal, e-mail: mmadeira@ualg.pt
** Universidade do Algarve, FCT - ADEEC, Campus de
Gambelas, 8000 FARO, Portugal

The Bessel. distribution, one of the Cohen’s class time-frequency distributions, has been reported, in many application areas and particularly on biomedical signal processing, as an efficient spectral estimator. Its usage on practical applications has been deprecated due to its computational burden. This paper presents a Bessel distribution algorithm and the results of its implementation on a variety of commercial off-the-self personal computers. The analysis of these results indicate that the Bessel distribution may no longer be put aside for real-time applications. It is demonstrated that the real-time estimation of pulsed Doppler blood flow spectral parameters is achievable.
Keywords: Sequential algorithms, Spectral estimation, Real-time systems, Time-frequency representation, Biomedical systems
Session slot T-Fr-A17: High-performance computing for real-time signal processing and control/Area code 9d : Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control