15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Driver Assistance Systems for Automotive Applications

Session Slot: T-Th-M20
Area Code: 1e

Paper TitleAuthors  
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: An Overview and Actor PositionWiethoff, M, Oei, H L, Penttinen, M, Anttila, V Marchau, V A W J
Driver Vigilance Monitoring - New DevelopmentsS. Boverie, D. Daurenjou, D. Estève, H.Poulard, J Thomas
Human Vehicle Interaction for Elderly Drivers: The Myth and the ChallengeDr. Evangelos Bekiaris Mr. Guido Baten
3D Perception for New Airbag GenerationsS. Boverie, M. Devy, F. Lerasle