15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Sensory Robots

Session Slot: T-Th-M18
Area Code: 1d

Paper TitleAuthors  
Synthesizing Robust Active Vision Systems: A Combined Robust Identificationμ-SYNTHESIS APPROACHTamer Inanc Mario Sznaier Octavia I. Camps
Guidance System for Robots Capable of Vision and CommunicationIgor E. Paromtchik
A Visual and Portable Tool for Robot ProgrammingJuan A. Fernández, Javier González
Observer Based Dynamic Visual Feedback Control for Nonlinear Robotics SystemsMasayuki Fujita Akira Maruyama Hiroyuki Kawai
Integration of Artificial Potential Field Theory and Sensory–Based Search in Autonomous NavigationDarío Maravall and Javier de Lope
Using Optical Flow to Control Mobile Robot NavigationMario Sarcinelli-Filho Hansjorg Andreas Schneebeli Eliete Maria de Oliveira Caldeira