15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Identification of Nonlinear Systems III

Session Slot: T-Th-E01
Area Code: 3a

Paper TitleAuthors  
Maximum Likelihood Identification of Bilinear SystemsStuart Gibson Brett M. Ninness
Regressor Selection with the Analysis of Variance MethodIngela Lind
Polynomial Bases for Optimal Worst Case Approximation of NonlinearitiesGustavo Belforte Paolo Gay
A Case Study of Fundamental Grey-Box ModelingKang Li, Steve Thompson, Gareth-Guan R. Duan, Jian-xun Peng
Nonparametric Ratio Estimation of a Multivariate Density Derivatives from Dependent ObservationsGennady Koshkin and Vyacheslav Vasil’iev
A Study of Persistency of Excitation for Semisubmersible Systems with Chaotic BehaviourBELTRÁN-AGUEDO, Reinel GARCÍA, Andrés REDÍN, Federico JORDÁN, Mario Alberto