15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Mathematical Methods in Adaptive Control
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
Parameter Identification for Some Linear Systems with Fractional Brownian Motion
T. E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan
Nonlinear Adaptive Control Using Nonparametric Gaussian Process Prior Models
Roderick Murray-Smith and Daniel Sbarbaro
Unit Vector Control of Multivariable Systems
Liu Hsu, José Paulo V. S. Cunha, Ramon R. Costa, Fernando Lizarralde
Active Dual Control for Linear-quadratic Gaussian System with Unknown Parameters
Peilin FU, Duan LI and Fucai QIAN
Adaptive Control of Discrete Time Systems with Concave/Convex Parametrizations
C Y Qu, A P Loh, K F Fong, A M Annaswamy
Convex Modifications to an Iterative Learning Control Law
D.H. Owens, J. Hätönen