15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
Liu Hsu* José Paulo Vilela Soares da Cunha**
Ramon R. Costa* Fernando Lizarralde***
* COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (liu@coep.ufrj.br)
** State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (jpaulo@ieee.org)
*** Dept. of Electronic Eng./Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This paper presents a unit vector based output-feedback model-reference adaptive control (UV-MRAC) for uncertain multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) linear systems. Some features of this new algorithm are: (i) Less restrictive a priori knowledge about the high frequency gain matrix of the plant is required. (ii) It applies to plants of any uniform relative degree. (iii) The closed loop system is exponentially stable with respect to some small residual set. (iv) The controller is free of peaking.
Keywords: Multivariable systems, variable structure control, sliding mode control, model reference adaptive control, output feedback
Session slot T-Mo-M03: Mathematical Methods in Adaptive Control/Area code 3b : Adaptive Control and Tuning