15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles II
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
A Kinematic and Dynamic Model-Based Motion Controller for Mobile Robots
J. R. Asensio L. Montano
Voronoi Based Place Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
B.L. Boada, D. Palazon, D. Blanco and L. Moreno
Constrained Supervision of Networked Autonomous Vehicles
Alessandro Casavola Edoardo Mosca Maurizio Papini
Learning Visual Landmarks for Mobile Robot Navigation
M. Mata, J.M. Armingol, A. de la Escalera and M.A. Salichs
Flatness Based Planning of a Group of Unmanned Vehicles
Armando Morado Ferreira Sunil Kumar Agrawal
Combined Trajectory Tracking and Path Following Control for Dynamic Wheeled Mobile Robots
P. Encarnação and A. Pascoal