15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles I

Session Slot: T-Tu-A05
Area Code: 8f

Paper TitleAuthors  
Vision-Based Detection of Autonomous Vehicles for Pursuit-Evasion GamesRene Vidal and Shankar Sastry
Robot Navigation in very Complex, Dense, and Cluttered Indoor-Outdoor EnvironmentsJavier Mínguez, Luis Montano
Epipole-Based Visual Servoing Using ProfilesG. Chesi, J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, A. Vicino
The Beam-Curvature Method: A New Approach for Improving Local Real-Time Obstacle AvoidanceJ.A. Benayas, J.L. Fernández, R. Sanz and A.R. Diéguez
High Level Path Coordination for Multiple Vehicles and Reciprocal Root LocusAlberto Landi, Aldo Balestrino
Multi-Criteria Fusion for the Selection of Roads of an Accurate MapM.E. El Najjar, Ph. Bonnifait