15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Robust Analysis II

Session Slot: T-We-A15
Area Code: 2e

Paper TitleAuthors  
A Tabular Algorithm for Testing the Robust Hurwitz Stability of Convex Combinations of Complex PolynomialsShih-Feng Yang Chyi Hwang
Robust Stability Of Uncertain Systems via Parameter - Dependent Lyapunov FunctionS. G. Savov and I. P. Popchev
Phase Conditions for Schur PolynomialsL.H. Keel S.P. Bhattacharyya
Stability and Stabilization of Discrete Systems with Random and Uncertain ParametersZ. Bubnicki
Guaranteed Error Robust FIR Equalization for Uncertain ChannelsValery A. Ugrinovskii Ian R. Petersen
An Extreme Point Result for Radius of Convexity of Linear Equation SolutionsAshwin Ganesan Sheila R. Ross B. Ross Barmish