15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Fuzzy Control Systems
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
Improved Vibration Supression via Hierarchical Fuzzy Control
Araújo, F.M.U. and Yoneyama, T.
Fuzzy Controllers with Non-Conventional (Scarce) Measurements
Antonio Sala Pedro Albertos
Hybrid Fuzzy Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems
Ya Lei Sun Meng Joo Er
Fuzzy-Sliding State-Feedback Control of Nonlinear Ball Suspension System
Saeed Mohammad-Hosseini, Ali-Reza Alfie Mohammad Farrokhi, and Mohammad-Reza Jahed-Motlagh
Fuzzy Active Noise Modeling and Control of Enclosures
J.M. Sousa, C.A. Silva and J.M. Sá da Costa
Fuzzy Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Fuzzy Descriptor Systems
Y. Wang, Q. L. Zhang