15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Fuzzy Control Systems

Session Slot: T-We-M04
Area Code: 3e

Paper TitleAuthors  
Improved Vibration Supression via Hierarchical Fuzzy ControlAraújo, F.M.U. and Yoneyama, T.
Fuzzy Controllers with Non-Conventional (Scarce) MeasurementsAntonio Sala Pedro Albertos
Hybrid Fuzzy Control of a Class of Nonlinear SystemsYa Lei Sun Meng Joo Er
Fuzzy-Sliding State-Feedback Control of Nonlinear Ball Suspension SystemSaeed Mohammad-Hosseini, Ali-Reza Alfie Mohammad Farrokhi, and Mohammad-Reza Jahed-Motlagh
Fuzzy Active Noise Modeling and Control of EnclosuresJ.M. Sousa, C.A. Silva and J.M. Sá da Costa
Robust H Fuzzy Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Fuzzy Descriptor SystemsY. Wang, Q. L. Zhang