15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 2126 July 2002
Optimal Control: Theory and Design II
Session Slot:
Area Code:
Paper Title
An Iterative Algorithm for Optimal Impulsive Control Problem
Vladimir A. Baturin Elena V. Gonharova
Investigation of Impulsive Extremals in Applied Models of Dynamic Optimization
Vladimir Dykhta, Natalia Antipina
Extremum Seeking Control with Sliding Mode
Yaodong Pan Ümit Özgüner
A Projection Operator Approach to the Optimization of Trajectory Functionals
John Hauser
Optimal State Estimation in Networked Systems via Sensor Control
Alexey S. Matveev Andrey V. Savkin
Optimal Decentralized Algorithms for Traffic Engineering in the Internet
Bernardo Movsichoff Constantino Lagoa